Imirt Inspire 1: Dren McDonald

Imirt Inspire is a monthly webinar where we invite inspirational members of the international game development community to talk to Irish game creators. We’re very happy to present the first Imirt Inspire talk which will happen online next Monday 23rd November at 6:00pm Irish time.

(link to join webinar will be shared on the day with Imirt members)


Dren McDonald

Monday 23rd November, 18:00 Irish time

Dren will talk about how he got started in the game industry, the games he has worked on and how his career has evolved. In addition, Dren will discuss integrating audio design early and the typical development process for an audio designer including tools, processes, etc.


Dren McDonald has worked in the game industry as an audio director, composer and sound designer on titles such as Gathering Sky, Transformers: Age of Extinction The Official Game, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Commander, Dangerous Dave in the Deserted Pirate's Hideout HD, Skulls of the Shogun, Elevate (2014's Apple App of the Year), Cooking Dash 2016, Diner Dash 2015, Ravenwood Fair and over 60 other game titles. He's worked with legendary game designers such as John Romero (Doom, Quake, Id Software), Brenda Romero (Jagged Alliance, Wizardry 1-8, Train) and Tom Hall (Wolfenstein 3D,Commander Keen, Anachronox). His music has been enjoyed by, literally, millions of gamers worldwide on several games that reached 20 million monthly players or more. His work has been nominated for awards by GANG, GDC Online and IndieCade and he won a GANG award in 2015 for his work on The String Arcade recording.

He currently operates his own game audio company,, as well as teaching in the Technology in Applied Composition program at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and has previously served as director of development for GANG (Game Audio Network Guild, is a frequent speaker at GDC, GameSoundCon, Casual Connect, and IndieCade. He taught the inaugural game audio course for the UC Santa Cruz Games and Playable Media Masters Program, setting up the blueprint for the future of that program's curriculum, where he is also on the advisory board.

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